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TSP Goals and Policies Survey

We want to hear what you think about the draft goals and policies for the Transportation System Plan (TSP) update! 

  • Goals – Goals are broad statements that identify how the vision statement will be achieved.
  • Policies – Specific and measurable statements that help to achieve the goal.

You might be asking how the City got to this draft. We didn’t start from scratch! Lots of other planning documents were reviewed as a starting point, including:

The Survey

We shared an earlier draft of these goals and policies with both the TSP Advisory and Technical Committees to get their feedback, which has been incorporated into what you see today. Now we’re sharing the draft goals and policies with you to get your feedback.

How will these goals and policies be used moving forward? They’ll be used to evaluate potential projects for inclusion in the TSP and ultimately in the City’s Capital Improvements Plan (CIP).

There are 11 goals with numbers policies under each goal. We need to know:

  • Did we get them right?
  • Are specific revisions needed?
  • Are we missing something? 

You can provide as little or as much feedback as your time allows. If commenting on a specific policy, please include the policy number with your comment. Thanks so much for your time. Your voice matters! 

(Survey Closes 4/17/24 at 5:00 PM)