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Actualización del Plan del Sistema de Transporte: Análisis de Grietas

As part of the Transportation System Plan (TSP) update, the City conducted a gap analysis to identify areas where our transportation is falling short of the needs of our community. This analysis was driven by new  performance standardsincluding Pedestrian and Bicycle Traffic Stress Levels (see definitions below), and focused on access to the following  key destinations in Milwaukie: schools, parks, grocery stores, Neighborhood Centers, and Downtown.

BLTS and PLTS defined:


Bicycle Traffic Stress Rating (BLTS):  A measure of how comfortable and safe a route is for bicycles, based on factors such as traffic volume, speed, and infrastructure design.


Pedestrian Traffic Stress Level (PLTS):  A measure of how safe and comfortable a route is for pedestrians, considering factors such as traffic speed, volume, and the presence of sidewalks and crosswalks.


Using this framework, we identified areas within 1/4 mile walking and bicycling distance of these destinations and identified transportation facilities where existing conditions did not meet the City's low-stress walking and bicycling standards ( Stress Goal: BLTS Level 1 and PLTS Level 2 ).

The City of Milwaukie recommended goals for BLTS and PLTS.   

  • BLTS 1  – Represents little traffic stress and requires less attention, making it appropriate for all bicyclists. This includes children who are trained to safely cross intersections (around age 10/5th grade) alone, and parents of children who supervise them. Generally, age 10 is the earliest a child can adequately understand traffic and make safe decisions, which is also why many youth bicycle safety programs focus on this age level. Traffic speeds are low, and there is no more than one lane in each direction. Intersections are easily crossed by children and adults. Typical locations include local residential streets and separated bike routes/bike lanes.
  • PLTS 2  – Represents little traffic stress, but requires more attention to the traffic situation than young children may be able to. This would be appropriate for children over 10 years old, teenagers, and adults. All users should be able to use the facility, but some factors may limit people who use wheelchairs or mobility devices. Paving conditions should be good with limited areas in substantial condition. Routes may have higher speeds and/or higher volumes. Most users are willing to use this facility.

Note:  The goals were recommended by the City's consultant and the TSP Advisory Committee for adoption through this TSP update. While the City always strives to achieve PLTS 1 at pedestrian facilities (especially in sensitive areas such as near schools where vulnerable road users are more likely to be present) the PLTS 2 goal recognizes that achieving PLTS 1 in an urbanized environment is a significant challenge. Constraints, such as available right-of-way, funding, and the presence of other right-of-way users (such as utilities), make achieving PLTS 1 prohibitively expensive in many instances.


To better understand the most critical needs, we assembled these walking and biking coverage layers to highlight locations where multiple key destinations—such as a school and a park—are nearby, but the transportation facilities do not meet BLTS 1 or PLTS 2. Figure 13B shows the results of this analysis for the city’s pedestrian facilities, and Figure 16B shows the analysis for the city’s bicycle facilities.

Image translation:  13B City of Milwaukie, Transportation System Plan, Figure 13B, Pedestrian Cracks and Deficiencies, Focus Area Priorities, Legend, Pedestrian Facilities Not Meeting PLTS Goal 2, No Sidewalks/Not Meeting PLTS Goal 2, Focus Areas Walking Cover Density, 6 (Walking Cover Layers), 3 (Walking Cover Layers), 1 (Walking Cover Layer), Milwaukie City Limits, Parks 


Image translation:  16B City of Milwaukie, Transportation System Plan, Figure 16B, Bicycle Cracks and Deficiencies, Focus Area Priorities, Legend, Bicycle Facilities Not Meeting BLTS Goal 1, No Sidewalks/Not Meeting PLTS Goal 2, Focus Areas Walking Cover Density, 6 (Walking Coverage Layers), 3 (Walking Coverage Layers), 1 (Walking Coverage Layer), Milwaukie City Limits, Parks


The findings from this analysis will help the City prioritize future transportation projects and investments, ensuring we improve access and safety for all users while advancing equity, sustainability, and mobility goals.

While the primary focus of this analysis was pedestrian and bicycle facilities, consistent with  previously identified TSP goals and policies and the state's new  Sustainable Environmental and Equitable Communities (CFEC) rules, we also evaluated key intersections for motor vehicle flow and delay and analyzed freight movement through Milwaukie. You will be able to read the full existing conditions/needs memo within the next few weeks.

We encourage you to share your feedback on this analysis and ask questions. You can also view the complete set of walking/biking coverage maps here .


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