Lake Road Improvements

Consultation has concluded. 

Intersection at Lake/34th/Oatfield with new traffic light installed on Feb. 15, 2022.

Note: You can learn about what this project includes below. Construction updates are included first so that visitors to this page can find the most up to date information.

Latest Construction Update (All past construction updates are available below.)

Update (2.14.2022): New traffic pattern ahead at 34th/Oatfield and Lake Road. The traffic signal is being turned on tomorrow (Tuesday, February 15, 2022) at approximately 9 a.m.

Update (1.07.2022): Project has been delayed until spring due to weather. Final striping and landscaping to be completed in the spring when weather permits. The traffic signal is ready, but cannot be turned on until markings are installed. The signal will remain a four-way stop until markings are in place.

Project Description: The Lake Road Improvements project will reconstruct Lake Road and includes improvements for both bicyclists and pedestrians. If you have questions about the project please submit them below using the questions tool. You can also subscribe to receive project updates by providing your email where it says "Stay Informed" to the right or below depending upon what device you are using.

The Lake Road Improvements project includes:

  • reconstruction of Lake Rd, from 23rd Ave. to Guilford Dr. to widen Lake Rd. to accommodate bike lanes in each direction, as well as to repair the road itself, which has reached the end of its life cycle;.
  • half-street pavement repairs on Willard St. to complete street improvements outside of Northwest Housing Alternatives, and Milwaukie High School sidewalk and street improvements;
  • intersection curb ramp replacements at 12 corners;.
  • stormwater mainline extension from 28th to 32nd Ave; and
  • sanitary sewer mainline replacement on 32nd Ave.

Stormwater Treatment

  • Lake Rd. will receive a porous asphalt overlay, which helps trap pollutants, such as heavy metals, from storm runoff; multiple studies have shown substantial reduction in these pollutants. This will be the first application of pervious pavement on a roadway in the city!
  • Stormwater planters, which treat stormwater runoff, will be constructed on side streets along Lake Rd. where feasible and space is available.

Traffic Signal and School Zone Flasher Upgrades

  • New traffic signal poles will be installed on the north side of Lake Rd. on 34th Ave. All four corners will also have new pedestrian push button poles installed.
  • Additional school zone flashers will be added to enhance the "20 (mph) when flashing" school zone between 23rd and 28th Ave.

Please visit the project page on the city's website for more information.

Note: You can learn about what this project includes below. Construction updates are included first so that visitors to this page can find the most up to date information.

Latest Construction Update (All past construction updates are available below.)

Update (2.14.2022): New traffic pattern ahead at 34th/Oatfield and Lake Road. The traffic signal is being turned on tomorrow (Tuesday, February 15, 2022) at approximately 9 a.m.

Update (1.07.2022): Project has been delayed until spring due to weather. Final striping and landscaping to be completed in the spring when weather permits. The traffic signal is ready, but cannot be turned on until markings are installed. The signal will remain a four-way stop until markings are in place.

Project Description: The Lake Road Improvements project will reconstruct Lake Road and includes improvements for both bicyclists and pedestrians. If you have questions about the project please submit them below using the questions tool. You can also subscribe to receive project updates by providing your email where it says "Stay Informed" to the right or below depending upon what device you are using.

The Lake Road Improvements project includes:

  • reconstruction of Lake Rd, from 23rd Ave. to Guilford Dr. to widen Lake Rd. to accommodate bike lanes in each direction, as well as to repair the road itself, which has reached the end of its life cycle;.
  • half-street pavement repairs on Willard St. to complete street improvements outside of Northwest Housing Alternatives, and Milwaukie High School sidewalk and street improvements;
  • intersection curb ramp replacements at 12 corners;.
  • stormwater mainline extension from 28th to 32nd Ave; and
  • sanitary sewer mainline replacement on 32nd Ave.

Stormwater Treatment

  • Lake Rd. will receive a porous asphalt overlay, which helps trap pollutants, such as heavy metals, from storm runoff; multiple studies have shown substantial reduction in these pollutants. This will be the first application of pervious pavement on a roadway in the city!
  • Stormwater planters, which treat stormwater runoff, will be constructed on side streets along Lake Rd. where feasible and space is available.

Traffic Signal and School Zone Flasher Upgrades

  • New traffic signal poles will be installed on the north side of Lake Rd. on 34th Ave. All four corners will also have new pedestrian push button poles installed.
  • Additional school zone flashers will be added to enhance the "20 (mph) when flashing" school zone between 23rd and 28th Ave.

Please visit the project page on the city's website for more information.

Consultation has concluded. 

  • Why do crews start so early - as early as 6:40 on weekdays and 7:10 on weekends (ex: Sat 7/10/2021). The contractor told us they were operating under guidance from the city. Per city website: "Noise generating equipment is limited to the following hours of operation by the City's noise ordinance (MILWAUKIE MC 8.08. 070I): Weekdays 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Saturdays 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m." If the city is going to violate their own ordinance aren't they supposed to notify residents and open it for public comments?

    Solitude Dude asked over 3 years ago

    The contractor has been reminded of typical working hours Monday through Friday 7 AM to 7 PM, weekend work 8 AM to 5 PM. The contractor may mobilize before start time to have safety meetings and prepare for the work day.

  • Are the sidewalks going to be replaced or repaired as part of this project?

    Lake Home asked almost 4 years ago

    The replacement of sidewalk is not the focus of this road reconstruction project. However, we recognize the need to replace sections and spot repairs that are absolutely necessary for pedestrian safety and access. Therefore, we will be replacing sidewalks in select areas that pose a significant pedestrian safety and accessibility risk in addition to sidewalk that is necessary to be replaced due to the road being widened.