Past Project Updates
Update (12/9/22): We are nearly finished with the project!
Soon this improvements project will transfer back to city ownership, and our contractor Kerr will leave the area.
The project will then begin a two-year period in which Kerr is responsible for problems with materials and workmanship. Near the end of this period, city staff will check on the construction work and new landscaping and determine if additional repair or maintenance work is needed.
I’ll send a message in the comings days about maintenance responsibilities with taking care of the new sidewalks and landscaped areas.
We hope that you are enjoying the new sidewalk and new pavement!
Thank you very much for your patience over the past seven months, Tracie
Update (11/22/22):
Our contractor Kerr does their best to stay on schedule. However, schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Two Week Lookahead Schedule
(No work on November 24 and 25 for the Thanksgiving holiday)
Home Avenue
- Install water meter boxes and mailboxes. Some Home Avenue residents will experience approximately one-hour water shuts while crews raise the water meters. If you will be affected, you will receive a door notice in advance.
- Place topsoil and seed mix, where needed, beyond the gravel shoulders.
- Place topsoil and bark mulch, where needed, in front of and behind the new sidewalk.
- Place plantings in the stormwater facilities (swales).
Wood Avenue
- Place plantings in the stormwater facilities (swales).
Other General items
- A “Project Corrections List” will be issued to the contractor; this involves numerous items on both Home and Wood that need to be repaired or corrected. Kerr’s crews will be working on this list over the next couple of weeks.
- Clean up the site.
What to Expect During Construction
Crews may work from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday (although the typical workday ends before 5 p.m.). They may work additional days and times with pre-approval from the City.
For More Information
- Email Tracie Heidt at or call 503-235-5881 ext. 181
Update (11/11/22):
Our contractor Kerr does their best to stay on schedule. However, schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Two Week Lookahead Schedule
Home Avenue
- Install water meter boxes and mailboxes. Some Home Avenue residents will experience approximately one-hour water shuts while crews raise the water meters. If you will be affected, you will receive a door notice in advance.
- Plant trees.
- Place gravel along the shoulder of the road.
- Place topsoil and seed mix, where needed, beyond the gravel shoulders.
- Place topsoil and bark mulch, where needed, behind the new sidewalk.
- Build and plant the stormwater facilities (swales).
- Asphalt paving in the parking lot at the Home Ave Apartments, install a few more asphalt driveways, and add asphalt at a couple smaller locations around drains on Home Avenue.
Wood Avenue
- Build the rock-lined ditch at the south end of Wood Avenue near Railroad Avenue.
- Build the stormwater facilities (swales).
Other General items
- Repair curbs and other items in select locations.
- Fill in areas in front of and behind the sidewalk.
- Fill potholes on Harrison Street.
- Begin to clean up the site.
- The city will issue a project corrections list the week of November 21, after which Kerr will begin doing minor repairs.
What to Expect During Construction
Crews may work from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday (although the typical workday ends before 5 p.m.). They may work additional days and times with pre-approval from the City.
For More Information
- Email Tracie Heidt at or call 503-235-5881 ext. 181
Update (11/4/22):
Our contractor Kerr does their best to stay on schedule. However, schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Two Week Lookahead Schedule
Home Avenue
- Crews will wait for dry enough weather to continue laying forms and pouring concrete for sidewalks and driveways for the remaining areas: between Park Street and Ada Lane and a few areas north of Jackson Street. People who live along the west side of Home Avenue in the work area will not be able to access their driveway for about 6 days while form boards are placed and the concrete cures.
- Install water meter boxes and mailboxes. Some Home Avenue residents will experience approximately one-hour water shuts while crews raise the water meters. If you will be affected, you will receive a door notice in advance.
- Place gravel along the shoulder of the road.
- Place topsoil and seed mix, where needed, beyond the gravel shoulders.
- Build the stormwater facilities (swales).
Wood Avenue
- Build the rock-lined ditch at the south end of Wood Avenue near Railroad Avenue.
- Place gravel along the shoulder of the road.
- Build the stormwater facilities (swales).
What’s Happening Next?
- Repair curbs and other items in select locations.
- Asphalt paving in the parking lot at the Home Ave Apartments, install a few more asphalt driveways, and add asphalt at a couple smaller locations around drains on Home Avenue.
- Fill in areas in front of and behind the sidewalk.
- Begin to clean up the site.
What to Expect During Construction
Crews may work from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday (although the typical workday ends before 5 p.m.). They may work additional days and times with pre-approval from the City.
For More Information
- Email Tracie Heidt at or call 503-235-5881 ext. 181
Update (10/27/22):
Our contractor Kerr does their best to stay on schedule. However, schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Two Week Lookahead Schedule
Home Avenue
- Crews will continue laying forms and pouring concrete for sidewalks and driveways between Friday, October 28 and Friday, November 4, as weather permits. This means that people who live along the west side of Home Avenue in this section will not be able to access their driveway for about 6 days while form boards are placed and the concrete cures.
The crew will leave you a door notice 24 hours in advance of when they will affect your individual property and close your driveway. Please plan ahead for where you might park your car(s). If you are disabled and need further accommodations, please contact me about what accommodations you may need.
- Crews plan to install water meter boxes and mailboxes over the week or so and put topsoil in the stormwater facilities (aka swales). Some Home Avenue residents will experience approximately one-hour water shuts while crews raise the water meters. If you will be affected, you will receive a door notice in advance.
- During the week of November 7, crews plan to build the rock-lined ditch at the south end of Wood Avenue near Railroad Avenue.
What’s Happening Next?
- Build the shoulder of the road
- Landscaping work
- Repair curbs and other items in select locations
- Asphalt paving in the parking lot at the Home Ave Apartments, install a few more asphalt driveways, and add asphalt at a couple smaller locations around drains on Home Avenue.
What to Expect During Construction
Crews may work from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday (although the typical workday ends before 5 p.m.). They may work additional days and times with pre-approval from the City.
For More Information
- Email Tracie Heidt at or call 503-235-5881 ext. 181
Update (10/20/22):
Our contractor Kerr does their best to stay on schedule. However, schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Two Week Lookahead Schedule
Home Avenue
- Crews will continue to lay forms this week and plan to continue pouring concrete for sidewalks and driveways on Friday, October 21. This means that people who live along the west side of Home Avenue in this section will not be able to access their driveway for about 6 days while form boards are placed and the concrete cures.
- The concrete crew plans to return next week to continue installing forms. Concrete for sidewalks and driveways will be poured on Wednesday, October 26 and Friday, October 28. People who live along the west side of Home Avenue in this section will not be able to access their driveway for about 6 days while form boards are placed and the concrete cures.
The crew will leave you a door notice 24 hours in advance of when they will affect your individual property and close your driveway. Please plan ahead for where you might park your car(s). Some days there might be on-street parking on some sections of Home Avenue but some days there will not. If you are disabled and need further accommodations, please contact me about what accommodations you may need.
- Crews plan to install water meter boxes and mailboxes over the next two weeks and put topsoil in the stormwater facilities (aka swales). Some Home Avenue residents will experience approximately one-hour water shuts while crews raise the water meters. If you will be affected, you should have already received a door notice.
- During the week of October 31, crews plan to build the rock-lined ditch at the south end of Wood Avenue near Railroad Avenue.
What’s Happening Next?
- Build the shoulder of the road
- Landscaping work
- Pour asphalt berms to control stormwater in several locations on Home Avenue
- Repair curbs and other items in select locations
Update (10/12/22): What's Happening This Week
Our contractor Kerr does their best to stay on schedule. However, schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Impacts to Home Avenue Residents This Week and Next Week
Home Avenue
Sidewalk Pouring and Closed Driveways
- On October 12 crews will continue to lay forms and plan to continue pouring sidewalk concrete on October 13. This means that people who live along the west side of the street in this section will not be able to access their driveway for about 6 days while form boards are placed and the concrete cures. The crew plans to return on Tuesday, October 18 to lay forms and may pour concrete again on October 19 and October 21.
The crew will leave you a door notice 24 hours in advance of when they will affect your individual property and close your driveway.
Please plan ahead for where you might park your car(s). Some days there might be on-street parking on some sections of Home Avenue but some days there will not.
If you are disabled and need further accommodations, please contact Tracie (contact information below) about what accommodations you may need.
Street striping
- On Monday, October 17, crews plan to stripe (or paint) a center line at the southernmost end of Home Avenue and paint the crosswalks. They should be able to let traffic pass through during that time.
Speed Hump Work
- Crews will apply a seal coat to the 4 speed humps on Home Avenue next week. Vehicles should be able to use the road during this time.
What’s Happening Next?
- Install mailboxes
- Build swales
- Build the shoulder of the road
- Install water meter boxes
- Landscaping work
Update (10/6/22): Remaining paving and upcoming concrete work on Home Ave.
Our contractor Kerr does their best to stay on schedule. However, schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Impacts to Home Avenue Residents This Week and Next Week
Home Avenue
Driveway Entry Paving
- On Friday, October 7, crews plan to pave a connecting portion of asphalt from the new road to driveways for approximately 25 homes on the east side of Home Ave. Each driveway will be closed for 2-3 hours while the asphalt cools. You will be notified shortly before work on your driveway is to begin. Please plan to park outside of your driveway if you will need to use your car(s) that day.
The crews plan to return to do the driveways for the remaining 7 homes on October 14 or 17.
Speed Hump Work and Road Closure
- On Friday, October 7, crews plan to do further asphalt work on the 4 new speed humps along Home Ave. The road around the speed humps will be closed for 2-3 hours while the asphalt cools. Please plan to park your car(s) off the street early before the trucks come in if you live between speed humps.
Sidewalk Pouring and Closed Driveways
- Next week, crews plan to pour sections of the sidewalk and concrete driveways on the west side of Home Avenue on October 11 and October 13. They will begin at Railroad Avenue and move northward. They plan to return on October 18 and 20 to continue. This means that everyone who lives along the west side of the street will not be able to drive over the new sidewalk to access their driveway for about 6 days while form boards are placed and the concrete cures.
The crew’s schedule might suddenly change, so if you want a more exact date, contact me or stay tuned for future email alerts.
The crew will leave you a door notice 24 hours in advance of when they will affect your individual property and close your driveway.
Please plan ahead for where you might park your car(s). Some days there might be on-street parking on some sections of Home Avenue but some days there will not.
If you are disabled and need further accommodations, please contact me about what accommodations you may need.
Wood Avenue
Paving is complete! Crews will return to clean up the asphalt edges in the coming weeks.
Kerr moved their work trailer from Home Avenue to Wood Avenue this week. They plan to keep it there for about 6 weeks.
Please note that the crews’ schedule may change due to weather conditions or materials availability. We apologize for the changeable schedule this week and the inconvenience to residents.
Update (10/3/22): Today's Paving Schedule
Our contractor Kerr does their best to stay on schedule. However, schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
What’s Happening Today, October 3rd
Wood Avenue
Our asphalt subcontractor, Pacific Excavation, plans to continue paving the top layer of asphalt on Wood Avenue today from where they left off on Friday. They will begin north of Appenine Way and finish up at Park Street. The road will be closed for 2-3 hours while the asphalt cools.
Home Avenue
Asphalt crews plan to install four speed humps on Home Avenue today, and if they have time, also pour a little asphalt to make smooth driveway connections between the newly-paved road and the driveways that currently have ledges on them.
The speed hump locations are as follows:
- South of Monroe Street
- Between Dick Street and Park Street
- Between Hunter Court and Wilma Circle
- Between Wilma Circle and Guido Bocci Drive
The road at the speed humps will be closed for a couple of hours while the speed hump asphalt cools.
Please note that the crews’ schedule may change due to weather conditions or materials availability. We apologize for the changeable schedule this week and the inconvenience to residents.
Update (9/29/22): Today's Tentative Paving Schedule
Our asphalt subcontractor, Pacific Excavation, plans to arrive about 8 a.m. today to continue paving the top layer of asphalt on Home Avenue.
They will begin just south of Park Street and work northward with the goal of reaching King Road today and thereby completing the whole street.
Please note that their schedule may change due to weather conditions.
They plan to pave Wood Avenue tomorrow, September 30, if they are able to complete Home Avenue today.
We apologize for the changeable schedule this week and the inconvenience to residents.
Update (9/28/22): This Afternoon's Paving Schedule
What’s Happening This Afternoon
Update: Our asphalt subcontractor, Pacific Excavation, plans to arrive between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. today to pave the top layer of asphalt on Home Avenue.
They will begin at Guido Bocchi Drive and work their way northward towards King Road, trying to get as far as they can today/this evening while the weather holds.
They have a busy schedule and have limited days to pave for us this fall, so we are eager for them to get this job done while they can.
We apologize for the changeable schedule this week and the inconvenience to residents.
Update (9/28/22): Today's Paving Schedule
What’s Happening Today
Our asphalt subcontractor, Pacific Excavation, will be on another job this morning but plans to return to Home Avenue around 12 p.m. to pave the top layer of Home Avenue. Please note that their schedule is changeable, and they could arrive later in the day.
We expect them to begin at Guido Bocchi Drive and work their way up to Hunter Court.
Update (9/27/22): Paving Update Due to Weather Forecast
Our contractor Kerr does their best to stay on schedule. However, schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Items of Note
Uncertain Paving Schedule This Week
- The paving schedule that was shared last Friday is a bit uncertain now due to possible rain tomorrow and Thursday. Note that a different part of the project may be paved instead – specifically the driveway connections scheduled for Friday. We won’t know until tomorrow morning, but more information will be sent when it is available.
Possible Change of Paving Plans This Afternoon
- The paving crew began paving the lower layer (or “base lift”) of Home Avenue at King Road this morning and is moving southwards, rather than northwards, like we previously thought. They did this to avoid having asphalt-filled dump trucks turning around on King Road to back down Home Avenue. If they get far enough this afternoon, they will go back to the section that they paved yesterday (between Railroad Avenue and Ada Lane) and do the top layer (or “top lift”). Their goal is to get as far as possible today while the weather is dry.
We apologize to residents along the street for the inconvenience that these sudden changes in plans could create.
The reason the schedule could change is because the top layer cannot be paved in the rain, but other asphalt items are not as negatively impacted by the weather. A single light shower will not be a problem, but paving in a long heavy rain shower can negatively impact the life span of the road.
Tentative Paving Schedule This Week
Weather permitting, crews plan to pave Home Avenue and Wood Avenue from south to north on September 26-29 and do asphalt driveway connections at select locations on Home Avenue on September 30. The road will be closed for a few hours while the asphalt cools.
- Monday, Sept. 26 – Home Avenue from Railroad Avenue to the north side of Dick Street (asphalt base layer) – The crew actually paved further north than we expected them to yesterday. We apologize for that unexpected situation.
- Tuesday, Sept. 27 – Home Avenue from the north side of Dick Street to King Road (asphalt base layer) – It is actually from King Road to the south today.
- Wednesday, Sept. 28 – Home Avenue from Railroad Avenue to King Road (asphalt top layer)
- Thursday, Sept. 29 – Wood Avenue from Railroad Avenue to Park Street (asphalt top layer)
- Friday, Sept. 30 – Do asphalt driveway connections on Home Avenue – There should be no road closures with this work but only temporary traffic delays with trucks on the road.
Update (9/22/22): Construction is underway, and we anticipate completion by December 2022.
Our contractor Kerr does their best to stay on schedule. However, schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Item of Note
Crews plan to work this Saturday in order to complete preparations for paving next week.
Upcoming Paving Schedule
Weather permitting, crews plan to pave Home Avenue and Wood Avenue from south to north on September 26-29 and do asphalt driveway connections at select locations on Home Avenue on September 30. The road will be closed for a few hours while the asphalt cools.
- Monday, Sept. 26 – Home Avenue from Railroad Avenue to the north side of Dick Street (asphalt base layer)
- Tuesday, Sept. 27 – Home Avenue from the north side of Dick Street to King Road (asphalt base layer)
- Wednesday, Sept. 28 – Home Avenue from Railroad Avenue to King Road (asphalt top layer)
- Thursday, Sept. 29 – Wood Avenue from Railroad Avenue to Park Street (asphalt top layer)
- Friday, Sept. 30 – Do asphalt driveway connections on Home Avenue
Two-Week Lookahead Schedule
Wood Avenue
- Prepare for future paving by raising manholes holes and street drains
- Install signs and mailboxes
Home Avenue
- Prepare for future paving by raising manholes holes and street drains
- Do sidewalk grading on Home Avenue
- Tentative date: pouring sidewalks and driveway entries along Home Avenue on October 10th.
- Install signs and mailboxes
Update (9/15/22): Construction is underway, and we anticipate completion by December 2022.
Thank you for your patience during this heavy construction phase. As a reminder, please follow the road closures and other construction signage, as Oregon State statute prohibits removing or bypassing road closure signs.
Our contractor Kerr does their best to stay on schedule. However, schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Items of Note
On Thursday, Sep. 15, crews plan to pour several more sections of concrete curb adjacent to and across the base of driveway entries on Home Avenue. It will take up to three days for the new concrete to cure (or harden) and be strong enough to drive over. If you will be impacted, you received a door hanger yesterday morning containing more information.
Upcoming Paving Schedule
Weather permitting, crews plan to pave the roads from south to north on Sep. 26-29 and do asphalt driveway connections at select locations on Home Avenue on Sep. 30. The road will be closed for a few hours while the asphalt cools.
- Monday, Sep. 26 – Home Avenue from Railroad Avenue to Dick Street (asphalt base layer)
- Tuesday, Sep. 27 – Home Avenue from Dick Street to King Road (asphalt base layer)
- Wednesday, Sep. 28 – Home Avenue from Railroad Avenue to King Road (asphalt top layer)
- Thursday, Sep. 29 – Wood Avenue from Railroad Avenue to Park Street (asphalt top layer)
- Friday, Sep. 30 – Do asphalt driveway connections on Home Avenue
Two-Week Lookahead Schedule
Wood Avenue
- Prepare for future paving by raising manholes holes and street drains
- Lay forms and pour Americans with Disabilities Act accessible curb ramps and sidewalks
- Install mailboxes
Home Avenue
- Perform curb grading
- Lay forms and pour Americans with Disabilities Act accessible curb ramps and the sidewalks that tie into them on Home Avenue
- Prepare for future paving and sidewalk construction by raising manholes holes and street drains
- Install a water quality swale
- Build a rock-lined ditch along sections at Home Avenue and Railroad Avenue
- Perform sidewalk grading
What’s Coming Next
- In October, crews will pour concrete driveways along Home Avenue.
What to Expect During Construction
Crews may work from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday (although the typical workday ends before 5 p.m.). They may work additional days and times with pre-approval from the City.
Update (9/1/22): Construction is underway, and we anticipate completion in winter 2022.
Thank you for your patience during this heavy construction phase. As a reminder, please follow the road closures and other construction signage, as Oregon State statute prohibits removing or bypassing road closure signs.
Our contractor Kerr does their best to stay on schedule. However, schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Two-Week Lookahead Schedule
Wood Avenue
- Prepare for future paving by raising manhole holes and street drains
- Lay forms and pour Americans with Disabilities Act accessible curb ramps and the sidewalk at Appenine Way
Home Avenue
- Perform road and curb grading
- Lay forms and pour Americans with Disabilities Act accessible curb ramps and the sidewalks that tie into them on Home Avenue
- Prepare for future paving and sidewalk construction by raising manhole holes and street drains
What’s Coming Next
- Crews are tentatively scheduled to do the remaining asphalt top layer on Wood Avenue and the base and top layers of asphalt on Home Avenue during the week of September 26-30.
- Crews plan to pour concrete driveways along Home Avenue after asphalt paving is complete in later September or early October.
What to Expect During Construction
Crews may work from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday (although the typical workday ends before 5 p.m.). They may work additional days and times with pre-approval from the City.
Update (8/25/22): Construction is underway, and we anticipate completion in winter 2022.
Our contractor, Kerr, does their best to stay on schedule, but schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Two-Week Lookahead Schedule
Wood Avenue
- Excavate and then prepare and pour curbs and curb ramps
- Construct stormwater treatment facilities (also known as swales) and lay topsoil
- Install signs and mailboxes
- Prepare for future paving and sidewalk construction by raising manholes holes and street drains
Home Avenue
Do cement based treatment to the base of Home Avenue:
- Section 2 – From Park Street to Monroe Street – Wednesday, August 24. Street will remain closed to traffic until 7 AM on Friday, August 26
- Section 3 from Monroe Street to King Road – Monday, August 29. Street will remain closed to traffic until 7 AM on Wednesday, August 31.
- Mill (or remove the asphalt from) the road from Monroe Street to King Road on Friday, August 26. Please expect up to 20-minute traffic delays.
- Perform road and curb grading
- Excavate and then prepare and pour curbs and curb ramps
- Construct stormwater treatment facilities (also known as swales) and lay topsoil
- Prepare for future paving and sidewalk construction by raising manholes holes and street drains
What’s Coming Next
On September 26, crews are tentatively scheduled to pave the top layer of asphalt on Wood Avenue and full asphalt on Home Avenue.
What to Expect During Construction
Crews may work from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday (although the typical workday ends before 5 p.m.). They may work additional days and times with pre-approval from the City.
Update (8/18/22): Construction is underway, and we anticipate completion in winter 2022.
Our contractor, Kerr, does their best to stay on schedule, but schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Two-Week Lookahead Schedule
Wood Avenue
- Excavate and then prepare and pour curb ramps
- Lay topsoil in the stormwater treatment facilities (also known as swales)
- Install signs and mailboxes
Home Avenue
Do cement based treatment to the base of Home Avenue in three sections:
- Section 1 -- From Railroad Avenue to Park Street – Monday, August 22. Street will remain closed to traffic until 7 AM on Wednesday, August 24.
- Section 2 – From Park Street to Monroe Street – Wednesday, August 24. Street will remain closed to traffic until 7 AM on Friday, August 26
- Section 3 from Monroe Street to King Road – Monday, August 29. Street will remain closed to traffic until 7 AM on Wednesday, August 31.
If you have accessibility issues, please contact me in advance, so I can work with you.
- On August 25 -- Mill (or remove the asphalt surface) on Home Avenue between Monroe Street and King Road. Although you may not park on the road, you may drive on the road while the crew works. Please expect up to 20-minute traffic delays.
- Lay topsoil in the stormwater treatment facilities (also known as swales)
- Perform road and curb grading
Note that crews will trim some trees for up to 15 feet of clearance on Home Avenue to protect them from large equipment.
What’s Happening Next
- Crews are tentatively scheduled to do the remaining asphalt top layer on Wood Avenue and the base and top layers of asphalt on Home Avenue on September 19-23.
What to Expect During Construction
Crews may work from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday (although the typical workday ends before 5 p.m.). They may work additional days and times with pre-approval from the City.
Update (8.10.22): Construction is underway. We anticipate completion in winter 2022.
Important Construction Schedule Items for the Next Few Weeks
Wood Avenue
Asphalt base layer paving work is scheduled along Wood Avenue on Thursday, August 11 and Friday, August 12. This means an approximately 8-hour road closure for each section while the asphalt cools. Crews will make it clear to residents when the road is drivable again by removing the temporary traffic control. If you need to leave or return sooner, please ask to make sure it is safe. Crews may work until 10 p.m. if needed.
When: Thursday, August 11
Where: Section A – Starting south of the driveway at 11823 SE Wood Avenue traveling north to Park Street
What: Asphalt base layer paving and driveway paving too (if time allows)
When: Friday, August 12
Where: Section B – Starting south of driveway 11823 SE Wood traveling south to Railroad Avenue
What: Asphalt base layer paving and finish paving remaining driveways from Park Street to Railroad Avenue
The entire section of Wood Road from Park Street to Railroad Avenue will be open on Friday August 12 by 10 p.m. If a section cools faster, however, the crew will open it to allow traffic.
Home Avenue
- Crews are scheduled to remove the asphalt surface, of the road on Thursday, August 11 and Friday, August 12. Please expect up to 20-minute traffic delays. Do not park on the road, but you may drive on the road while we work.
- Crews plan to remove remaining obstructions in the public right-of-way areas by August 15.
- Crews plan to return on Monday, August 22 to do cement based treatment to the base of Home Avenue in three sections
Section 1 -- From Railroad Avenue to Park Street – Monday, August 22
- Street will remain closed to traffic through Wednesday 7 AM, August 24
Section 2 – From Park Street to Monroe Street – Wednesday, August 24
- Street will remain closed to traffic through Friday 7 AM, August 26
Section 3 from Park Street to King Road will be done later, in a few weeks, after sewer work is complete.
Crews plan to excavate and then prepare and pour the curbs, sidewalk, and curb ramps between August 19-September 19.
Note that crews will trim some trees for up to 15 feet of clearance on Home Avenue to protect them from large equipment.
Other General Information
Crews are tentatively scheduled to do the remaining asphalt top layer on Wood Avenue and the base and top layers of asphalt on Home Avenue on September 19-23.
If you have accessibility issues, please contact Tracie Heidt in advance at or call 503-235-5881 ext. 181
Alert (8.8.22): Emergency Water Shut Off Happening Today on Wood Ave.
The city’s contractor, Kerr, accidentally hit a water valve today and a crew will need to shut off the water mainline between Wood Court and Railroad Avenue in the near future in order to repair the valve.
This means you will be without water for up to 5 hours today.
A city staff member will hang a notice on your door with more information when the crew is getting closer to shutting off your water service.
We apologize for this inconvenience.
Update (7.29.22): Construction is underway, and we anticipate completion in winter 2022.
Items of Note
- When the cement treatment on Wood Avenue occurs next Monday between Wood Court and 11823 SE Wood Avenue, the residents of Wood Court will need to get out and park elsewhere if they will need access to their cars August 1 – 3. The intersection will be closed to all traffic.
- Local residents of Wood Avenue should expect delays of up to 20 minutes while crews are working on the roadway. The road is not wide enough in some areas to maintain traffic flow at all times. Thank you for your patience.
- Asphalt base layer paving work is tentatively scheduled along Wood Avenue on August 10-12. As we get closer, we will confirm dates. This will mean an approximately 8-hour road closure for each section while the asphalt cools.
- Tentatively the week of September 19-23, crews are scheduled to do the remaining asphalt top layer on Wood Avenue and the base and top layers of asphalt on Home Avenue.
Two-Week Lookahead Schedule
July 27 – August 5
- Perform grading on Wood Avenue.
- Prepare for construction of Americans with Disabilities Act curb ramps.
- Construct vegetated stormwater treatment system on Home Avenue and Wood Avenue.
- Apply cement treatment on Wood Avenue between Wood Court and 11823 SE Wood Avenue.
The remaining cement treatment on Wood Avenue and the 3-day closure to all vehicles is now in this order:
- August 1 - 3 : From the north side of Wood Court to the northern edge of the driveway at 11823 SE Wood Avenue (the road closure will impact the Wood Court residents but not the residents at 11823 SE Wood Avenue)
- August 8 – 10 : From the northern edge of the driveway at 11823 Wood Avenue to Railroad Avenue
If you have accessibility issues, please contact Tracie Heidt at or at 503-235-5881 ext. 181.
Update (7.25.22): Wood Ave. Construction
We apologize for the misinformation that was provided on the construction sequence in the 7.21.22 update below. Due to miscommunication between the contractor and the city, the cement treatment of Wood Ave. and 3-day closure to all vehicles is in this order now:
- July 25, 26 and 27 - Park Ave. to Wood Ct.
- August 1, 2 and 3 - Wood Ct. to 11823 Wood Ave.
- August 8, 9 and 10 - 11823 Wood Ave. to Railroad Ave.
From July 25 to July 27, should someone living between 11356 to 11513 SE Wood Ave. (the first segment above) need to have transportation provided, please contact Steve Adams at 503-786-7605 (Office) or 971-978-7435 (Cell).
We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.
Update (7.21.22): Construction has begun. We anticipate completion in winter 2022.
Our contractor, Kerr, does their best to stay on schedule, but please note that construction schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Item of Note
- The crew closed the intersection at Home Ave. and Monroe St. on Monday, and it will remain closed for up to a week while the sewer repair work is underway. Thank you for your patience.
Two-Week Lookahead Schedule
July 20 – July 29
- Install erosion control measures.
- Perform grading on Wood Ave.
- Install a drywell on Wood Ave.
- Construct vegetated storm water treatment system on Home Ave. and Wood Ave.
- Continue sanitary sewer pipe replacement on Home Ave. between Jackson St. and Harrison St.
- On July 25 – Apply cement treatment to the section of road on Wood Ave. between Railroad Ave. and 11823 SE Wood Ave. This will require a 48-hour road closure of that section. We will post a door hanger today (7/21/22) for all residents along Wood Ave. and Wood Ct. about these impacts.
Please plan accordingly. If you live between 11823 and 12092 SE Wood Ave. and you need use of your car between Monday and Wednesday next week, please park it on Appenine Way or north of the 11823 SE Wood address.
Update (7.15.22): Construction has begun. We anticipate completion in winter 2022.
Our contractor, Kerr, does their best to stay on schedule, but please note that construction schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Item of Note
- The intersection at Home Ave. and Monroe St. will be closed beginning Monday, July 18 for up to a week while the sewer repair work is underway. Detours will be in place at 47th Ave. and 52nd Ave.
Two-Week Lookahead Schedule
July 14 – July 22
- Begin construction of vegetated stormwater treatment system on Wood Ave.
- Perform grading on Wood Ave.
- Continue sanitary sewer pipe replacement on Home Ave. between Jackson St. and Harrison St.
On Monday, July 25 – Apply cement treatment to the section of road on Wood Ave. between Railroad Ave. and 11823 SE Wood Ave. This will require a 48-hour road closure of that section. We will send a mailer or give a door hanger to all residents along Wood Ave. about these impacts.
Update (7.7.22): Construction has begun. We anticipate completion in winter 2022.
Our contractor, Kerr, does their best to stay on schedule, but please note that construction schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Items of Note
- Crews have postponed the demolition work in the right-of-way--on the west side of Home Ave. and in various locations on Wood Ave.
- Crews will need to work this Saturday, July 9 to continue the sanitary sewer work on Home Ave. Work hours may be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday.
Two-Week Lookahead Schedule
Rest of this Week
- Excavate on Wood Ave. for the future vegetated stormwater treatment system (also called a swale).
- Relocate a couple fire hydrants on Home Ave. and Wood Ave.
- Begin construction of vegetated stormwater treatment system on Wood Ave.
- Do sanitary sewer pipe replacement on Home Ave. between Jackson St. and Harrison St.
Week of July 11
- Continue excavation work on Wood Ave., vegetated stormwater treatment system construction, and sanitary sewer pipe work.
What to expect during construction:
- Crews may work from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday (although the typical workday ends before 5 p.m.). They may work additional days and times with pre-approval from the city. Construction can create noise, vibration, and dust. It may require traffic delays and restricted parking near the work zone. Orange protective tree fencing will remain in place through construction.
Update (7.1.22): Construction has begun. We anticipate completion in winter 2022.
Our contractor, Kerr, does their best to stay on schedule, but please note that construction schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Items of Note
Crews have postponed the demolition work in the right-of-way--on the west side of Home Avenue and in various locations on Wood Avenue--until next week (Week of July 4).
Two-Week Lookahead Schedule
Rest of this Week (Week of July 1)
- Design shoring plans for future sewer pipe excavation.
- Do trench work in preparation of replacing old storm pipes.
Week of July 4 (No work on July 4 for Independence Day holiday)
- Do demolition work along the public right-of-way on Home Avenue and Wood Avenue.
- Excavate at Railroad Avenue and Wood Avenue for the future swale.
- Relocate a couple fire hydrants on Home Avenue and Wood Avenue.
Anything belonging to you that is located in the right-of-way may be disturbed or destroyed. This includes irrigation systems, hard landscaping (fences, stone, brick, pavers, garden boxes, retaining walls, or other construction materials), soft landscaping (plants, shrubs, flowers, grass, bark, etc.), and other amenities. Please remove any items you wish to keep before crews get there. If the contractor finds items in the right-of-way that conflict with construction, crews will remove and dispose of the items.
Update (6.17.22): Construction is beginning this Spring, and we anticipate completion in winter 2022.
Our contractor, Kerr, does their best to stay on schedule, but please note that construction schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Items of Note
During the week of June 27, crews will be coming through the west side of Home Avenue to demolish the public right-of-way to prepare for sidewalk construction. They will come to various locations along Wood Avenue to do demolition work, as well.
Anything belonging to you that is located in the right-of-way may be disturbed. This includes irrigation systems, hard landscaping (fences, stone, brick, pavers, garden boxes, retaining walls, or other construction materials), soft landscaping (plants, shrubs, flowers, grass, bark, etc.), and other amenities. Please remove any items you wish to keep before crews get there. If the contractor finds items in the right-of-way that conflict with construction, crews will remove and dispose of the items.
If you have are unsure whether you will be impacted or not, please contact Tracie Heidt at or call 503-235-5881 ext. 116.
Project team members will be on Home Avenue on Tuesday, June 21 between 10:30 a.m. and 12 p.m., walking the corridor and making notes about future impacts to property owners. If you have any questions for us, feel free to come over and talk to us!
Two-Week Lookahead Schedule
Week of June 20
- Do sewer pipe replacement on Home Avenue at Jackson Street and proceed northward up Home Avenue and then west onto Harrison Street. We will later return to do the section between Jackson Street and Monroe Street.
Week of June 27
- Do demolition work along the public right-of-way on Home Avenue and Wood Avenue
- Excavate swales at Wood Avenue and Railroad Avenue
- Continue sewer pipe replacement on Home Avenue
- Pulverize asphalt and grade the road in preparation for rebuilding the roadway
Please note that crews moved mailboxes to temporary locations earlier this week in anticipation of construction work. Mailboxes should remain accessible to postal carriers and crews will permanently place them in their new location towards the end of the project.
Update (6.3.22): Construction is beginning this Spring, and we anticipate completion in winter 2022.
Our contractor, Kerr, does their best to stay on schedule, but please note that construction schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Week of June 4
- Begin sewer pipe replacement on Home Ave. at Jackson St. and proceed northward up Home Ave. and then west onto Harrison St. We will later return to do the section between Jackson St. and Monroe St.
- Continue checking the location and depth of existing utilities
- Install erosion control and tree protection fencing
- Tree removal
- Begin demolition work along Wood Ave.
Week of June 13
- Swale excavation at Wood Ave. and Railroad Ave.
- Continue sewer pipe replacement on Home Ave.
- Demolition work along Wood Ave.
- Begin to pulverize and grade in preparation for rebuilding the roadway
Please note that the contractor has painted many markings on the ground resembling driveway connections, and several do not line up well. City staff will follow up and make adjustments as needed.
What to expect during construction:
- Crews may work from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday (although the typical workday ends before 5 p.m.). They may work additional days and times with pre-approval from the city. Construction can create noise, vibration, and dust. It may require traffic delays and restricted parking near the work zone. Orange protective tree fencing will remain in place through construction.
Update (5.13.22): Construction is beginning this Spring, and we anticipate completion in winter 2022.
Our contractor, Kerr, does their best to stay on schedule, but please note that construction schedules may fluctuate due to weather, conditions underground, subcontractor schedules, or materials availability.
Two-Week Lookahead Schedule
Week of May 16
- Mobilize equipment into the area
- Continue checking the location and depth of existing utilities
- Install erosion control and tree protection fencing
- Swale excavation at Wood Ave. and Railroad Ave.
Please note that the contractor has painted many markings on the ground resembling driveway connections, and several do not line up well. City staff will follow up and make adjustments as needed.
Week of May 23
- Begin sewer pipe replacement and storm water pipe replacement on Home Ave. Work will start at the Monroe St, intersection and proceed north.
What to expect during construction:
- Crews may work from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday (although the typical workday ends before 5 p.m.). They may work additional days and times with pre-approval from the city. Construction can create noise, vibration, and dust. It may require traffic delays and restricted parking near the work zone. Orange protective tree fencing will remain in place through construction.
Update (4.20.22): Construction will begin in late April, and we anticipate completion in winter 2022.
Two-Week Lookahead Schedule
- Kerr Contractors will be checking the location and depth of existing utilities April 20 – 21.
- Century Link, the subcontractor for Lumen, is finishing up work this week.
- PGE expects to remove the old power poles sometime between late April and mid-May.
Update (4.5.2022): Construction will begin in late April, and we anticipate completion in winter 2022.
Two-Week Lookahead Schedule
- Over the next two weeks, Oregon Aerial will transfer Comcast and Lumen (CenturyLink) lines on the new power poles that PGE has set. The city’s contractor, Kerr Contractors, expects to start work April 25.
What to expect during construction:
- Crews may work from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday (although the typical workday ends before 5 p.m.). They may work additional days and times with pre-approval from the city. Construction can create noise, vibration, and dust. It may require traffic delays and restricted parking near the work zone. Thank you in advance for observing the no-parking signs along the roadway.
Update (3.23.2022): You might have noticed orange plastic fence around many trees. The contractor installed the orange fence to help them remember to both protect the trees and use equipment carefully around them. We’ll leave the fence up throughout construction.
Two-Week Lookahead Schedule
- PGE, Comcast, and Lumen (CenturyLink) are transferring their lines to the new power poles that PGE has set. They plan to finish by April 11. The city’s contractor will be back on-site to start work shortly afterwards.
Update (3.8.2022): Over the next two weeks, PGE, Comcast, and Lumen (CenturyLink) will transfer their lines on the new power poles that PGE has set.
What to expect during construction:
- Crews may work from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday (although the typical workday ends before 5 p.m.). They may work additional days and times with pre-approval from the city. Construction can create noise, vibration, and dust. It may require traffic delays and restricted parking near the work zone. Thank you in advance for observing the no-parking signs along the roadway.
Update (2.23.2022):
Over the next two weeks, PGE will begin relocating utility poles and Kerr Contractors will:
- Bring equipment and materials onto Home Ave.
- Cut trees marked for removal
Update (12.10.2021): The contractor plans to start work in February 2022.
Update (11.2.2021): The lowest bidder for the SAFE SSMP FY 2021 Improvement Project (Home Ave. and Wood Ave.) was Kerr Contractors. The contract will be awarded at a City Council meeting in December 2021 or January 2022.
Update (10.12.2021): The city will select a contractor on October 26, 2021 and the chosen contractor will then determine when construction will begin this fall. Notification will be sent at least two weeks before construction to those who live along the project corridor.
Update (10.08.2021): The contractor bid submission date has been extended to Oct. 26, 2021.
Update (09.15.2021): The SAFE SSMP FY 2021 Improvement Project (Includes Home Ave. and Wood Ave.) was advertised for bid September 14, 2021. Bids are due on October 12, 2021.
Consultation has concluded
